Carroll Community College
Spring 2011, No. 53


Campus Makes Progress on Diversity Initiatives

President’s Column

Students Share Online Chemistry Community Success with Faculty Audiences

Summer Kids@Carroll Features New Classes for 2011

Mother and Daughter Complete Carroll Degrees Together

Spanish in Surround Sound: Improving Language Skills in Immersion Study



Mother and Daughter Complete Carroll Degrees Together

Bonita Lynn Snyder, 49, and Cheryl Snyder, 20, mother and daughter, attended Carroll Community College at the same time. For the Snyders, a college education was "all in the family."

The Snyders began taking classes at Carroll in the fall semester of 2008. They both graduated in December, 2010. Bonita and her daughter are quite proud of their accomplishments.

"Excited is an understatement," said Bonita. "I can actually say that I am extremely proud of myself, because I have worked so hard taking anywhere from 13 to 18 credit hours a semester. This is an accomplishment that I thought was only a dream until two years ago. I will be beaming when I walk across the graduation stage with my daughter in May."

Bonita, a single mother who had not attended school in 30 years, was hesitant about starting college at her age. She dedicated her life to raising her children and had promised herself that after they graduated from high school, she would go back to school herself and get her degree. "Being one of the seasoned students on campus, I was worried if I would be accepted by those younger than myself. I doubted my ability to fulfill this specific personal goal. Fortunately, I had 100 percent support of my children."

"On the first day of classes, I remember pulling into the parking lot and asking my daughter if I was completely out of my mind going back to school now," said Bonita. "She smiled and replied that I was going to be fine and that she was so proud of me for doing this. She held my hand and we walked through the doors."

Bonita said she has always had a unique relationship with her children, but that attending college with her daughter Cheryl has been a wonderful experience that she would not change for anything. She added that she is extremely proud to have started this chapter in their lives together and to have finished it together.

Bonita was a fine arts major. Cheryl was a psychology major. Bonita hopes to find a job in the field of animation or illustration and eventually to transfer to a four-year college to obtain a bachelor's degree in fine art.

"Carroll's instructors and faculty helped us by caring honestly about our success," said Bonita. "We were welcomed in the classrooms, encouraged to ask questions, and provided with the tools to succeed."

On March 18, 2011, 50 criminal justice students spent the day at the United States Secret Service Academy in Beltsville, Md. They learned about the history and mission of the Service, took a tour of the academy grounds, observed agents training on the driving course, and participated in a training exercise where a mock attempt was made on the president's life. "I think everyone would agree that it was an exciting and action-packed learning experience," said Wayne Livesay, discipline coordinator of Criminal Justice and Legal Studies.

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