Carroll Community College
Summer 2019,
No. 97


Trustees Approve College Values Statement

Institutional Priorities to be Addressed in the Self-Study

Lynx Spirit

Carroll Community College Statement of Values

Commencement 2019



Institutional Priorities to be Addressed in the Self-Study

Institutional Priority 1: Recruitment

Evaluate the effectiveness of the College’s strategies to improve student recruitment and offer learning programs to expand enrollment and attract new student populations to the College.

Since 2011, the College’s enrollment has decreased by 19 percent. As a high-transfer-high traditional associates-degree granting institution, the enrollment decrease has mirrored the student population decrease seen in the Carroll County Public School (CCPS) system. As such, the College has sought to stabilize enrollment by improving student recruitment efforts and offering new programs that will attract students who would not have attended Carroll without them. In addition, the College has sought to build on its dual-enrollment program with CCPS by providing opportunities to take college courses on the high school campuses. Given the introduction of these strategies to stabilize enrollment, the College seeks to evaluate its effectiveness in these efforts.

Institutional Priority 2: Completion

Evaluate the College’s services and systems to improve student completion, transfer, and achievement of educational and career goals.

Linked to Priority 1 above, once students have enrolled in the College, efforts are made to help them complete their educational and career goals in a timely and efficient manner. While the College has some of the best completion and transfer rates in Maryland, there is still room for improvement. It is far more cost-efficient for the College to retain students and help them complete their goals than it is to seek out a brand-new student. As such, the College seeks to build on prior successes in student completion and transfer as they achieve their goals.

Institutional Priority 3: Use of Technology

Evaluate the College’s use of technology to support and improve teaching and learning processes, business operations, and application of data to inform decision-making.

As a relatively young College, Carroll has a hallmark of innovative use of technology in the classroom. Anecdotal evidence from alumni consistently remark on the availability of technology in computer labs and faculty use of technology in aiding learning, as compared to some of the transfer institutions. The College currently benefits from an arrangement with the local county government where they match the College’s technology investments, dollar for dollar, up to $350,000 per year and will do so through the 2021-2022 academic year. As stewards of these funds, the College seeks to efficiently and cost-effectively utilize the funds to continue its use of technology in education while seeking opportunities to improve business processes to be cost-efficient. With a greater reliance on data informed decision-making, the College seeks to improve its capabilities in data-reporting and utilization.

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