Carroll Community College
Commencement 2014,
No. 71


Dr. Bernard Sadusky to Speak at Commencement

President’s Column

Where Are They Now? Recipients of the President’s Academic Excellence Award

Thank You, Dr. Pappalardo!

Student Sean Gill to Speak at Commencement



President’s Column
Dr. Faye Pappalardo

I am exceedingly proud of all that we have accomplished together this semester in reaching the denouement of the academic year—Commencement. At Commencement, our students will reap the rewards of all of their hard work by celebrating their graduation day.

Our Commencement speaker, Dr. Bernard Sadusky, is executive director of the Maryland Association of Community Colleges. He previously served as interim superintendent at the Maryland State Department of Education. Dr. Sadusky was superintendent of schools in Queen Anne’s County from 1994 to 2007, and spent more than 30 years in total in the Queen Anne’s school system as an administrator and teacher.

I am also confident that our student speaker, Sean Gill, editor of The-Quill student newspaper, will inspire and motivate his peers during his speech at Commencement.

At this time of year, I become reflective about past achievements. The stories in this issue about former recipients of the President’s Academic Excellence Award demonstrate how a Carroll education can lead to later success.

Finally, it is with mixed emotions that I write this column. As you know, I will be retiring effective June 30. I look back on 15 wonderful years as President with amazement at how fast time has passed. I will treasure every moment spent with faculty, staff, students and members of the community. I have learned so much from each and every one of you. Thank you for all of your outstanding support during my presidency, and throughout my 26 years at the college, which I will conclude with the fondest of memories.

Dr. Faye Pappalardo


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