Carroll Community College
Summer 2015,
No. 78


“One Step Away” Grant Encourages Former Students to Return

President’s Column

Student Profile: Frank DiLeonardi

Recent Continuing Education Program Completers Recognized

Public Safety and Security Officers Participate in Special Olympics Torch Run

Q and A with Student Joe Hensgen



President’s Column
Dr. James D. Ball

I hope you are finding time this summer to relax and rejuvenate prior to preparing for the coming academic year.

This issue provides me an opportunity to reflect upon one of the tenets of community college education — the concept that learning is for a lifetime. At Carroll, students of all ages and walks of life “enter to learn”. Whether a student is entering the college immediately after high school, or changing careers as an adult learner, or taking a class during retirement, Carroll embraces all students equally and provides them with every opportunity to succeed.

The article on current student Frank DiLeonardi provides an example of finding the courage to change careers with the support of our dedicated faculty. DiLeonardi has experienced challenges, yet looks forward to a brighter future as he transforms himself from an electrician to a fitness and exercise professional with a degree from Carroll.

The story on the One-Step Away grant illustrates how the college is providing incentives to students who had discontinued attending the college to return to complete their degrees. Thanks to a grant from the Maryland Higher Education Commission, the college can assist students in accomplishing a goal that had been deferred but not abandoned.

The list of completers of continuing education certificates illustrates how the college provides occupational credentials in a variety of middle-skill jobs. These training opportunities attract learners of all ages and in some cases are steps on career ladders for further advancement.

Let me close by thanking each of you for your commitment to ensuring that all students receive the guidance and support they need to complete their programs at the college, and leave Carroll as committed lifelong learners.

Dr. James D. Ball


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