Carroll Community College
Fall 2015,
No. 80


Sherri-Le Bream Appointed to Board of Trustees

President’s Column

Catching Up with: Graduate Meagan Thomas

Recent Institutional Research Reports

Ten Years of Starry Nights

Award Winners

College to Lead County Small Business Development Effort



President’s Column
Dr. James D. Ball

As I reflect on 2015, I summarize our accomplishments with two distinct thoughts: milestones and new beginnings. Although these seem to contradict one another at first glance, they perfectly capture the important events which unfolded at Carroll this year.

A major milestone is the Tenth Anniversary of Starry Night, which will be held on Friday, Dec. 4. As the county’s upscale holiday kick-off event, this elegant and festive evening will feature a performance by Louis Prima Jr. and the Witnesses. The evening includes a formal cocktail hour, live and silent auctions and a dessert reception.

Since its inception in 2006, Starry Night has raised over $600,000 to directly benefit the Carroll Community College Foundation and our students. Proceeds from events like Starry Night help to transform lives and enable the college to continue to serve our students with a high level of excellence.

I wish to extend my warmest appreciation to the community and to our donors for their fervent and longstanding support of Starry Night. With their help, the milestone of college completion is within the reach of many more students. Our students certainly join me as I express my gratitude once again.

In terms of new beginnings, I welcome our newest Board of Trustees member, Sherri-Le Bream. She is a well-known public educator in the county. She completed a 39-year career as a teacher and administrator, and has provided exemplary service on several local, state and national advisory boards. The Board of Trustees is fortunate to welcome Ms. Bream and I look forward to all the promises of this new beginning.

Ms. Bream fills the vacancy left by outgoing member Barbara Biller. I want to thank Ms. Biller for her years of dedicated service to our Board. Her insight and guidance have been instrumental to our success as a college.

Finally, another new beginning is evident in the story about graduate Meagan Thomas. She is one of several students who will be featured on the new college website in the Testimonials page. Thomas is a 2009 graduate who is now the research manager for the Reptile and Amphibian Lab at Davidson College in North Carolina. There, she conducts research related to reptile and amphibian ecology and conservation. Her story and photo will be available on the website soon. Stay tuned for more stories about our students on

I wish each of you a satisfying conclusion to 2015. I look forward to moving ahead on our mutual goal of providing all students with the highest quality education that they so richly deserve.

Dr. James D. Ball


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