Carroll Community College
Summer 2006, No. 26


Accounting Professor Mary Ann Swindlehurst Retires

Biology Professor Sarah Sayre Retires

College Announces Arrival of SimBaby

Resident Teacher Program Prepares Qualified Professionals to Enter Teaching Profession

College Honors President and CEO of Carroll Lutheran Village

Recent Institutional Research Reports

Danielle Snyder Receives
President’s Award for Academic Excellence

State Performance Accountability Report Revised



Resident Teacher Program Prepares Qualified Professionals to Enter Teaching Profession

The college is again conducting the Resident Teacher Certification Plus (RTC Plus) program to provide non-certified teachers, and qualified professionals seeking to become teachers, with a solid foundation of courses that when combined with practical experience, leads to preparation as a classroom teacher and certification by MSDE. The program is offered for the second year in partnership with the Carroll County Public Schools (CCPS) and the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE).

Three areas of study in critical need areas are being offered—math, science, and foreign languages. The “fast-track” program began June 26th and can be completed by fall 2006 or spring 2007.

“Teachers in Maryland complete a state-approved teacher education program, which is designed to unite professional preparation and training with the instructional practices and outcomes expected for public education,” said Clyde Sterner, human resources specialist for CCPS. “Such programs usually combine rich academic content, research-based learning theories, and hands-on classroom experiences. This program attempts to accomplish this within a very brief and intense experience,” said Sterner.

“I am delighted to have such a wonderful partnership in place,” said college President Dr. Faye Pappalardo. “It reinforces our mission and our dedication to the education of teachers.”

In order to be admitted to the program, candidates must be recommended by an official of CCPS and hold a baccalaureate degree with a B average in their major. To be admitted, students must also achieve passing scores on Praxis I: Pre-Professional Skills Test in Reading, Writing, and Math; and Praxis II: Subject Assessment/Specialty Areas Test. MSDE uses these tests as a part of the teacher licensing and certification process.

“The significance of this program is that the college is able to assist the public school system in staffing critical need areas with people who have outstanding content knowledge and real-world experience,” said Susan Sies, associate professor and coordinator of teacher education at Carroll.

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