Carroll Community College
Winter 2014, No. 69


Seventeenth Annual Book Fair on March 7 and 8 to Feature Wide Selection of Titles

President’s Column

Carroll Theatre Department Presents “Our Town” at Regional Theatre Festival

Students with Disabilities Share Stories

SMART Scholars Gain Research Experience

Adult Education Completers Celebrated at Recognition Ceremony

Early Childhood Education Club Selected for Regional Award



President’s Column
Dr. Faye Pappalardo

With the New Year underway, I am filled with anticipation of the great things to come in 2014. I believe that our students will continue to excel in their studies, our faculty will continue to motivate and inspire them, and our staff will continue to provide excellent support for all who enter Carroll to learn.

This issue of Today suggests the wonderful accomplishments which lie ahead.

The Penguin Random House Book Fair promises to be another successful signature fundraising event for the college. Once again, we will host national authors, offer children’s activities, sell discounted books, enjoy Professor Wizard’s Wonders of Science, and celebrate books and literacy.

The award received by the Early Childhood Education Club suggests the potential our students have to positively impact the lives of future generations of young children.

Look again for great things from students with disabilities this year. The story in this issue describes a panel where students shared their experiences living with disabilities. This community of learners is an inspiration and they will continue to offer new awareness experiences on campus in 2014.

Our Theatre Department was selected to perform “Our Town” at a regional festival this year. Look for more impressive performances from our talented students and expert faculty in the year to come.

Finally, our fall Adult Education completion ceremony shows how, with time and perseverance, adult students can succeed at earning a high school diploma. I believe that 2014 will be another inspirational year with many heartwarming moments in the lives of these students.

Dr. Faye Pappalardo


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