Carroll Community College
Winter 2014, No. 69


Seventeenth Annual Book Fair on March 7 and 8 to Feature Wide Selection of Titles

President’s Column

Carroll Theatre Department Presents “Our Town” at Regional Theatre Festival

Students with Disabilities Share Stories

SMART Scholars Gain Research Experience

Adult Education Completers Celebrated at Recognition Ceremony

Early Childhood Education Club Selected for Regional Award



Early Childhood Education Club Selected for Regional Award

On October 30th the college’s Early Childhood Education Club received the Excellence in Service—Student Group Award from the Maryland-DC Campus Compact. The club was selected from among student groups at two-year and four-year colleges and universities in the Maryland-Washington, D.C. region, due to the high quality of its leadership and achievements.

The campus club promotes the importance of early childhood education through community outreach, service projects, and professional leadership activities. Approximately 175 students are members of the club. Though most members are Early Childhood Education majors, students majoring in other subjects are welcome.

The club was created in 2006 and is aligned with the National Association for the Education of Young Children, a professional organization.

“Student members of the club work on activities that involve inclusion, kindness and empathy, all traits that are critical for teaching children,” said Club Advisor Carole Williamson. She is also an adjunct Early Childhood Education instructor at Carroll.

The club sponsored a presentation of the film “Finding Kind” about girl-on-girl bullying, and collected bags of school supplies and personal items for 100 children attending Judy Center pre-schools in Carroll County.

”The ECE club takes the lead in helping students shape their futures as educators. The students address relevant social issues while promoting service and civic engagement,” said Professor and Chairperson of Education Susan Sies.

“The club works tirelessly and has a genuine passion for service,” said Williamson. “The students develop ideas that reach the neediest of children. Their enthusiasm is contagious and they bring in new members each year. Leaders in the club are very dedicated to its mission. They set the bar very high for themselves in their desire to impact the community. All of these characteristics demonstrate the professionalism and service- learning achievements that led to this award.”

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